The archive for Pleiestiftelsen Hospital
Pleiestiftelsen Hospital No. 1 in Bergen opened in 1857 and could accommodate 280 patients. Most of the archival material from Pleiestiftelsen is kept at the Regional State Archives in Bergen, but there is also some material at the Bergen City Archives.
The archive from Pleiestiftelsen contains documentation about the hospital’s running. There are copybooks, correspondence journals and case files relating to administrative activities. There are separate copybooks for the superintendent and bookkeeper, and other journals from different superintendents. In addition, there is a minutes book, copybooks and a journal for the supervisory committee for the hospital.
Documentation about the residents can be found in various records, such as in the application records, admission and arrival records, and discharge records. In addition, patient lists that include a brief medical history have been preserved. There are also clothing records for the residents, as well as work records describing the work that they did. Since Pleiestiftelsen ran a school for the children who lived there, there is also a school register.
A large part of the archive comprises accounting documents. Among other things, there are cash books, disbursement records, general ledgers, cash accounts, accounting records, procurement records, and some payroll documentation. Some records date from the beginning of 1857, others are from later periods, and some were only used for short periods.
There are also a number of different protocols, including inventory lists, instrument lists, records of animal testing, library records, an overview of provisions purchased, diet lists and weather observation records. From the period 1857–1888, there is a book of handwritten annual reports.