The new Lungegård Hospital built after the fire

Shortly after the Lungegård Hospital burned down in 1853, plans were made for a new hospital. It was to be a brick building, and the project was given to the architects H. E. Schirmer and Wilhelm von Hanno, who worked together.

The new hospital probably opened in 1858 or 1859, and it was a large two-storey brick building with a cellar and loft. It had a central wing and two side wings, with stair towers between the wings from which the different parts of the building could be accessed. At the rear of the building, there was a courtyard between the three wings, and to the south of the courtyard there were wooden buildings that housed latrines and steam baths, among other things.

The side wings contained the patient rooms, three on each floor. There was also a dining room and a workroom in each wing. Men and women lived in separate wings, just as they did at the Pleiestiftelsen Hospital. The hospital could accommodate about 85 patients, around seven patients in each room. In the old hospital building, ten people had shared each room.

There were ten rooms in the central building, probably five on each floor. The building contained staff accommodation as well as offices, a laboratory and a library. There were kitchens and bathrooms in the cellar. The two main entrance doors faced north and led into each wing.

The entrance to the hospital was on the road to the south of Pleiestiftelsen Hospital, which led to a gateway to Lungegård Hospital. A staff residence was situated on the left side of the road that leads from the gateway to the hospital. It was originally the residence of the superintendent and the assistant physician. The 1865 census shows that 15 members of staff lived at the hospital, as well as the superintendent’s three daughters. A large garden surrounded the hospital building, and there was a boathouse, a bathhouse and a gazebo. There was also a small pond in case of fire.

Drawing of the Lungegaard hospital 1853, cropped. Bergen City Archive.
Facade illustration of Lungegård Hospital, signed 6 May 1865 by Von Hanno and Schirmer.
Bergen City Archives.
Drawing of the Lungegaard hospitalet 1853, cropped. Bergen City Archive.
Originally, separate residences were planned for the physician and bookkeeper on each side, as well as a small dwelling for the porter at the front. These were never built. Instead, a larger building for staff accommodation was built up against Pleiestiftelsen on the northeastern side.
Bergen City Archives.
Lungegaard hospital. Photo: Knud Knudsen. University of Bergen Library.
The building appears to have changed little from when it was completed at the end of the 1850’s until it was closed down as a leprosy hospital in 1895, the year after the death of head physician Danielssen. When this photograph was taken in 1906, the building had been taken over by Lungegård Hospital for tuberculosis patients. Notice the grand fountain to the right.
Photo: Knud Knudsen. The University of Bergen Library.
Lungegaard hospital with view. Photo: Knud Knudsen. University of Bergen Library.
Lungegård Hospital was situated just outside the city gates, on what had until then been the large Lungegård estate. The hospital had a central location next to Store Lungegårdsvann with a view into the city centre. In the background, just above the tower to the right of the building, Bergen Museum is visible, which is where head physician Danielssen spent much of his time.
Photo: Knud Knudsen. The University of Bergen Library.

Lungegaard hospital shortly before it was demolished in 1953. Photo: Jacobus Jan Hendrik Meulman, Norsk Jernbanemuseum (JMF-JJHM-00024).
The hospital had to relinquish much of its land to the new railway, and later had to give up the rest its land due to the need for more tracks. Pictured here just before demolition in August 1953.
Photo: Jacobus Jan Hendrik Meulman. The Norwegian Railway Museum. JMF-JJHM-00024.
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